New Pricing for Fall 2021
Our prices for speakers, services, and parts will increase on September 1st. We want to be transparent about the reasons behind this change.
The vast majority of our products have not changed prices in ten years. (Some service prices have remained unchanged since the ‘80s!) Over that time, our costs have steadily increased, most especially over the past year and a half. That includes our rent, overhead, and cost of materials. Raising prices will help us cover these costs and ensure that our company continues to bring you hours of listening enjoyment for years to come. Most importantly, this price increase will allow us to fairly compensate our master artisans, whose skill and expertise bring these incredible speakers to life. We remain committed to bringing you a quality product which is handmade in Brooklyn.
The new prices will take effect on new orders beginning September 1st. Average lead time on new speakers is currently five months, so we are now effectively taking pre-orders for 2022.
Thank you all for your support over the past half century. Your collective investment in our small company will pay back sonic dividends for decades to come.
Good Listening!
John, Evan & Ohm Family
Q: I placed my order before September 2021, but have not been charged. Will I be charged the higher price for my new speakers after September 2021?
A: No. We will honor the original amount quoted in your invoice at time of sale.
Q: How much will the prices increase?
A: Price increases will vary for each product or service. We have adjusted our prices to reflect inflation and increased production costs since the last increase for each product/service.
Q: Do you have any speakers that can ship before 2022?
A: At the current time, no.
Q: Why is the lead time so long?
(1) This is a handmade product
Each pair of speakers is handmade to order in Brooklyn, NY. As a handmade product, manufacturing is more time-consuming than an automated process. Each pair of speakers is built with care. The beautiful satin finish of our cabinets is applied by hand over several weeks. When you place your order, you secure your place in line in our production schedule.
(2) COVID-19
We can’t build your speakers from home. Shutdowns due to Covid-19 have greatly impacted our production flow. We value the wellbeing of our staff, and have maximized our production capacity while keeping our workers safe.
(3) Supply chain slowdowns
The global impact of Covid-19 on industrial supply chains has had a ripple effect on every aspect of our production. Many of the elements that make up our speakers, from internal components, to lumber, to hardware, have taken longer than usual to restock, or have simply been unavailable. Cumulatively, these slowdowns have contributed to increased production time.
Q: I’ve already placed my order. When will my speakers be ready?
A: Please know that we are working as hard as we can to get your speakers to you as quickly as possible without sacrificing quality. Average lead time on new speakers is currently five months from the time your order was placed. If you placed your order more than five months ago, and are wondering where your speakers are - they are most likely in our finishing department and will be shipped in the coming weeks.
Q: I placed my order recently. Can I get a status update?
A: Please refrain from requesting status updates within the five month lead time window. We haven’t forgotten about you and need to focus our efforts on building your speakers.
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John Strohbeen Author
John Strohbeen was the President and Chief Engineer of Ohm Acoustics from 1978-2023.