Ohm Speakers Now Available in Australia
Ohm products are now available in Australia through our distributor, decibel HI FI. From their site:
“Decibel Hi Fi is now the importer for Ohm Acoustic loudspeakers. This is a brand that been around for over 35 years in the USA but not represented in Australia for about 25 years. Taking on this brand of speakers is a major undertaking and there are many factors influencing the decision.
Firstly, the company. They still provide support to customers who purchased speakers from them 30 or more years ago. That customer service mentality is laudable and helps account for the brand’s longevity and the fact that practically all sales come from recommendations.
Secondly, the design. They use a unique omnidirectional Walsh driver. This wide range driver avoids crossovers in the critical mid-range frequencies and the dispersion pattern makes music sound more natural and the listening position non-critical. And as the same drivers are used in each model the sound is consistent across the range, with the larger more expensive models only necessary for larger rooms and higher sound levels.
Thirdly, their distribution is factory direct, which reduces the prices to customers by as much as 50% compared to what they would sell for via dealer showrooms.
Another factor is their 120 day money-back satisfaction guarantee. We are offering the same. I have always believed that in-store demonstrations have limited value. You really want to hear the product in your own environment, with your music, and take your time to evaluate how it suits your tastes. I think this is particularly important with speakers that are a major investment, and that you will probably live with for a long time.
Customers in or near Brisbane can arrange a demonstration in our demo room or at their home. For interstate customers please contact us to make arrangements for a 7 day home evaluation trial. We will be demonstrating the Ohm W1000 and W2000 at the Audio Show in Sydney in October.”
Click here to visit decibel HI FI
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John Strohbeen Author
John Strohbeen was the President and Chief Engineer of Ohm Acoustics from 1978-2023.