Outlet Store added to website under SHOP tab

We accept all Ohm models in trade toward current purchases. We refinish the cabinets and upgrade the components. We offer these speakers with better than original sound at a substantial savings from all-new prices. We also get back maybe 5% of our all-new sales on our 120-Day Home Trail. We check these out and offer them as B-Stock (sonically perfect; but possibly with minor cosmetic blemishs.) All these speakers go to our Outlet Store.

You will find these speakers on both our new Outlet Store (under the SHOP tab) and on each page of the original speakers when available. These are usually unique pairs and of very limited supply.

These call come with our 120-Day Home Trial and a 3-Year Limited Warranty.


John Strohbeen Author

John Strohbeen was the founder and president of Ohm Speaker.

John Strohbeen