There is More to Life Than Just Good Music
My interest in music started when I was a freshman at MIT, in 1963. By the time I dropped out of school in 1968, audio retailing had become my profession – I started Tech Hifi in my dorm in 1964 – and speaker design had become my hobby. Speaker building became my career when I took over as Ohm’s President in 1978. It has been a full-time position since then – and I love it.
I have always considered myself to be a wannabe artist from the time I started painting at a very early age. I took art lessons as a youth and have improved as an artist with years of experience. I have learned that most born artists are driven to produce and nearly fall apart if deprived of the creative process for a few days or weeks. Over the years, I have continued to make art at a more modest level – a few pieces each year. For the last twenty years I have been part of the Brooklyn Waterfront Artists Coalition (BWAC). We are a group of several hundred local artists, exhibiting our art in donated space. We make sales but only a very few make their living producing art. We generally have fun. I have been the President for ten years and currently, I am a Co-President. Being the volunteer president is also a full-time – and I love it. I can usually keep up with both jobs.
BWAC’s summer show, Speak Your Truth, opens this Saturday and runs every weekend through August 14. It has taken all my time last week and it is taking most of this week as well. So, no new blog for this week.
But, if you can, come out to the Show. Even if you find you don’t like the art, the Waterfront is beautiful. The views are spectacular. And, it’s likely to be several degrees cooler than the rest of the City on a sweltering summer day.
If I don’t see you there, I hope to see you back here in two weeks…
Enjoy, Good Listening – And Good Looking.
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John Strohbeen Author
John Strohbeen was the President and Chief Engineer of Ohm Acoustics from 1978-2023.