When the going gets tough, the tough…audition audio!
Many observers have noted that watching and following this year’s presidential election campaign is tough. Recently, a respected political research organization asked a focus group to name the smell they most associate with the campaign so far. The answers that came back were “rotten eggs,” “garbage” and similar malodorous items. The group did not report anyone saying, “a field of flowers” or “expensive perfume.”
So, on Friday, November 4, The New York Audio Show opens for a three-day stay at New York’s Park Lane Hotel. Since both major party candidates claim New York as home, one by birth and the other by adoption, this seems somehow appropriate. Particularly with the Trump Campaign headquartered a few blocks from the Park Lane, at Trump Tower, and the Clinton Campaign centered in my own beloved Borough (some would say country) of Brooklyn across the river and less than three miles from our factory.
The Show gives tri-state audio enthusiasts, and those visiting from farther away, an opportunity to clear their ears, clear their heads, and cleanse their palates before casting their ballots.
While we haven’t finalized our plans for the Show yet, we are confident that we will be demonstrating the Walsh 1000s. We feel that they are the ideal speaker for the room and will present the virtues of the Walsh driver to their best advantage. Listeners will hear a very wide “Sweet Spot,” which we call a “Sweet-Sweep®.”
We invite our guests to bring a CD of music they are familiar with – and hear it in a new way. Unlike most of the Show’s demo rooms, we encourage our guests to get up and walk around. It is hard to get out of the “Sweet-Sweep” so you will enjoy full sound and imaging throughout the room.
Although we will only be selling Ohm speakers, we will also be proudly presenting the new Peachtree Audio Nova 300 thanks to the generous cooperation of David Solomon at Peachtree. We’ll keep you posted as to other gear in the room as we get closer to Show time.
We don’t expect to be the flashiest booth at the Show, or the loudest – but we aim to be the most musical, the most enjoyable, the most memorable – and the most healing and cleansing room.
Again, the New York Audio Show is at the Park Lane Hotel, 36 Central Park South. Show hours are:
Friday, November 4, 2016
1:00pm— 7:00pm
Saturday, November 5, 2016
10:00am— 6:00pm
Sunday, November 6, 2016
10:00am— 5:00pm
I look forward to seeing you there.
And, I look forward to seeing you here in two weeks.
Until then…
Enjoy and Good Listening!
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John Strohbeen Author
John Strohbeen was the President and Chief Engineer of Ohm Acoustics from 1978-2023.