Our mother's voice
There is nothing in the world that we hear so well as the sound of the human voice. There is good reason why we must possess this innate ability. But, it is also a learned ability. Part of the reason why we hear the human voice so well is that we begin our ear training long before birth. Our mother’s voice.
A mother gives us so many things. She gives profoundly of her body, and her time. It’s not for no reason that we go through every day of our lives speaking and reading, even thinking in our “mother tongue”. A mother gives us all these things freely, without being asked, never to be repaid. And our mother’s voice renders an indelible impression on our mind and our very perception of the world.
The ability to render natural, realistic sounding human voices is a major strength of the Ohm Walsh speaker design. The female voice is especially tricky for many speakers, and one area where the Ohm Walsh speakers particularly excel. In Full-Room StereoTM, Ohm speakers provide listeners with an experience made to be shared.
Your mother gave you the gift of sound. This Mother’s Day, listen and share the music together.
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Evan Cordes Author
Evan Cordes is the Director of Operations at Ohm Acoustics.